Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Why I Wrote that Blog About Mr. Chip Tsao-PART 1

The article entitled “War at Home” written by Mr. Chip Tsao who used the satirical blanket to cloak what seems to be his disdain for Filipinos (after all, it wasn’t the first time that he took a shot at Filipinos) certainly generated a lot of noise from both sides of the fence. In fact, even those sitting on the fence were driven to make their own pitch. For that, Mr. Tsao must be flashing his pleased smile, proud of his work.


I am one of those who reacted to his article, matching his professed Chinese patriotism with that of my brown-skinned love for my country and countrymen. As a representative of the people, I have sworn to defend my nation, which not only means the Philippines as a country, but also the Filipinos as a People. I have to do this duty to stand up for my nation, warts and all.


All the hype generated by the controversy has gotten everyone to boot up their computers and scour the internet for anything about Mr. Tsao. Many have come across my blog entry, and many have responded with their own comments. With the diversity of ideas out there, some have agreed and some have disagreed.


In this free world (most places in the world are free), everyone is entitled to their opinion. As there are those who take Mr. Tsao to task for writing his article, I was sure even before I clicked the “Publish” button to post my blog that there would be those who would take me to task for writing it.


And indeed, some have taken me to task about it. I’ve given respect to their comments by publishing them in my blog. No editing or censorship. After all, they took the time to write, so their opinions deserve to be shared.


I purposely wrote my blog in my own attempted satirical manner as a reciprocation of his actions. It was meant as my personal response to something that I had personal feelings about. That’s why I published it in my personal blogs and not in my official website.


But what was the fuss all about?


Well, I was deeply incensed and insulted by the condescending manner in which Mr. Tsao wrote about the Philippines as a nation. While I do appreciate satire, there is a line drawn between criticism and insult. I am one of those who believe that the only way one will solve a problem is for one to recognize and acknowledge the problem. Indeed, we should take criticism as a mirror where we can see the dirt on our face so that we can wipe it off.


Mr. Tsao’s article did not dwell on the issue of the conflict between China and the Philippines but it more focused on his Filipina employee and how he treats her, which was reflective of how he looks at Filipinos. Was there anything in his article which somehow gave an explanation as to why the Philippines is wrong in passing its Baselines Law?  Obviously, there was none.


His mention of the Philippine claim to parts of the Spratly Islands was a mere excuse for him to proceed to rant and rave against the Filipinos as a nation. Bigotry hiding under the guise of patriotism. That’s why my first response was a personal one. I made that clear in my blog…it was personal. It wasn’t about the Filipinos versus the Chinese but  the Filipinos versus Mr. Tsao.


One commenter said that my mention of melamine and lead-laced toys was a racial slur. I don’t see how the mention of melamine and lead-laced toys make a statement a racial slur. The inclusion of melamine and lead in consumer products is a result of poor quality control in manufacturing. It may be committed by anyone from any race. So how can it be a racial slur?


Of course, it just so happened that the world was scandalized by  melamine-laced milk and lead-coated toys produced from Chinese factories.


As I said, my blog post was personal and it had nothing to do with any person or any race aside from the Filipinos and Mr. Tsao.


Another said that I shouldn’t be “petty and stand up with some nobility”. Well, reacting to an insult to my nation certainly isn’t petty. With regard to nobility…well…I do stand up for ladies and give due respect to persons who deserve respect. But for Mr. Tsao, he deserves what he gets from the Filipinos.


One reader, a Dr. Gustilo from Texas,  sent an email directly to me, and said that “While I enjoyed reading your response to the article of Tsip Tsao, I would really like to ask you to respond within the dignity of your office thru a more logical and scholarly approach to the matter discussed by Tsao”.


Now that I have dished out what I think Mr. Tsao deserves from me, I will offer to everyone else the reasons why the Philippines is justified in making those claims in the South China Sea (which Mr. Tsao miserably did not elaborate on).


(to be continued)


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